![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:20 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Gizmodo: Trump is evil and anyone who disagrees is evil.
Jezebel: Men are evil and anyone who disagrees is evil.
The Root: White people are evil and anyone who disagrees is evil.
Kotaku: Bowser is evil so we dropped him in a pit of lava in 5 minutes and 33 seconds.
Deadspin: I seriously have no fucking clue.
Jalopnik: Automatics are evil and taking over the planet!
Lifehacker: Hey food!
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:28 |
Hehe. Ok, I’ll buy those.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:28 |
Yeah, pretty much nailed it. You could put Gizmodo and Deadspin in the same category, though, since I think Deadspin is pretty much The Concourse (aka The Trump Hate Blog) with a little bit of sports gossip on the side.
Protip to bloggers: I dislike Trump as much as almost anyone (except maybe a pregnant married lesbian trying to get a 38th-week abortion and an Rx for weed), but you don’t have to one-up CNN and MSNBC. If they crank the bias and hate up to 6, you don’t have to go to 11 just to show you have a bigger Trump Hatedick.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:29 |
You’re missing Splinter, that new one.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:32 |
Lifehacker: Things people pretty much already know but we just discovered so THEY’RE AMAZING!
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:33 |
You forgot one.
Oppositelock: Gawker is evil, stick to sports/computers/cars, don’t offend my sensibilities!
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:35 |
You should counter the bias and hate and list some Trump accomplishments.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:35 |
Deadspin: Sports are sports, and professional athletes find themselves in trouble some times.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:38 |
Interestingly enough, Splinter used to be called Fusion. What seemed to happen there is that Fusion TV was losing traffic to the Fusion blog (same news org, different format). Apparently Fusion TV has more pull than the Fusion blog so the Fusion blog had to change their name. Which to be honest, I like Fusion TV more anyway...
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:41 |
I can’t. I believe he is singlehandedly undoing 100+ years of the Presidency and the fact that he got elected (even assuming no Russian involvement) is a testament to statisticians and pollsters collecting the dregs of various disaffected socioeconomic groups into a single, unified front for one day. Their failure to acknowledge disappointment in him will just prolong the inevitable removal from office, which I think is a sure thing. The most egregious part of the whole thing is how alleged Conservatives (many of who I know and respect) suddenly decided “Character Doesn’t Count” and simply voted against Hillary as a defensive move. I lose a lot of respect for people when they vote defensively.
See, it’s not hard to make a point without resorting to expletives and exaggerated character assassination.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:45 |
I’ll agree to most except one.
Jezebel: Hey guys, can you leave us alone for a bit to talk in peace instead of walking by and crop-dusting us or sending dick pics which we never want?
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:48 |
lol u mad breh?
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:50 |
Dead on.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:52 |
Nah, just felt like roasting everyone including ourselves.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:53 |
See, it’s not hard to make a point without resorting to expletives and exaggerated character assassination.
If only half the people I encounter on the Internet and in real life would understand that. Whatever happened to having a conversation and exchanging ideas?
It just seems the go to today is to scream expletives at the other side, thinking “haha that’ll change them!” Um, nobody likes being insulted so if anything that’ll make them double down.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 08:59 |
Protip to bloggers: I dislike Trump as much as almost anyone (except maybe a pregnant married lesbian trying to get a 38th-week abortion and an Rx for weed), but you don’t have to one-up CNN and MSNBC. If they crank the bias and hate up to 6, you don’t have to go to 11 just to show you have a bigger Trump Hatedick.
The bad thing about all of this is that prior to Trump’s election, many of these publications and blogs were in fact failing, as Trump would say.
However, their readership has since exploded in record numbers and has stuck since then. These organizations aren’t going to stop hating Trump until they stop getting more readers and subs. Essentially, they’re riding on a trend. And since the Trump Administration keeps finding new and more frustrating ways to undo a century of governing, there’s always something to write about to keep the trend going!
![]() 07/26/2017 at 09:02 |
There shall ever be only one Splinter.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 09:11 |
you forgot splinter.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 09:16 |
Don’t care.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 09:16 |
Clickbait? CLICKBAIT!!!
Find a topic people are passionate about and beat it till it isn’t profitable any more.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 09:17 |
fair enough
![]() 07/26/2017 at 09:17 |
Heard this on Oppo recently, don’t know who said it but:
Deadspin: bored lawyers and sports
![]() 07/26/2017 at 09:17 |
Tires are evil! Destroy all tires!
...and buy new ones because I need new tires now.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 09:27 |
The funniest part of what you describe is that Trump has the media playing HIS game now. He overreacts (which IMO is part of his own exaggerated, slightly-faked media persona) and then he gets the mainstream media to overreact in turn. Most outlets ramp up their anger, while Fox News ramps up their subtle Trump defensiveness. If they could all just agree to stop acknowledging tweets entirely, decorum would increase tenfold.
And then we could focus on the real issues: Trump sucks at his job and needs to tone down the crazy.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 09:52 |
Priuses are evil and anyone who drives one is evil
![]() 07/26/2017 at 09:53 |
Nailed it.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 09:55 |
Lifehacker is just life hacks for stupid people with no common sense who shouldn’t be called functioning adults
![]() 07/26/2017 at 10:04 |
I don’t visit ALL the blogs, but I’ve noticed an increased amount of off-topic shitposting on Lifehacker and Gizmodo (expecially Gizmodo). If I paid more attention to it, I wonder if I’d see that it’s coming from certain authors, rather than being a blog-wide problem.
I get it. People have interests other than what’s relevant for the blog that they work for. Fine. But seeing as they’re articulate enough to create an article out of it, why not have some better co-operation between blogs? Why not grant authors authorship on other blogs, so that their rants can be seen by those who want to read it the most?
![]() 07/26/2017 at 10:20 |
Sploid: Our content gets shared to all the sites but no one can comment because everyone is grey. Commentors are evil and anyone who disagrees will be silenced in the greys.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 11:12 |
![]() 07/26/2017 at 11:23 |
“See, it’s not hard to make a point without resorting to expletives and exaggerated character assassination.”
You just said Trump is dismantling the presidency, attracted the dregs of society, is going to be the first President removed from office, and that he lacks character..
. I don’t think it’s exaggeration or character assassination with this guy.
And I think people just like to complain.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 11:56 |
But I didn’t lead with “Trump’s a fucking asshole and here’s why!”
That kind of language really weakens the seriousness of anything that comes after it. And it creates readership confirmation bias in that the only people who read past that point (99% of them) are the ones who agree with the statement. IMHO, it’s just bad journalism. Not saying I disagree with the sentiment ;)
![]() 07/26/2017 at 12:45 |
Well, yeah, going to blogs or cable news looking for “serious journalism” is like going to McDonalds and expected fillet mignon.
To the point you originally made about hating and character assassination, the guy has no character and is doing a crap job. Someone describing that using blunt language doesn’t change that fact.
![]() 07/26/2017 at 14:29 |
Miata is always the answer even when it’s not.
Also: In order to get more views, “crossovers” aren’t actually that bad and sedans are dumb now so we’re going to write all about them and get them page views!
![]() 07/26/2017 at 14:32 |
Corvair is really the answer. A Miata is a Miata, but a Corvair can be anything! Even a plane, outboard boat, motorhome, 4WD military prototype, tracked amphibious vehicle, Impala, or a Corvette!
![]() 07/27/2017 at 13:38 |
The Concourse is basically little more than “Hamilton Nolan’s bossy screed of the day.”